Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Ethan & Chris Martin

Last night Tye and I were eating dinner and had Ethan in his jumperoo contraption. He was playing and suddenly turned around to the television. Tye and I were watching an interview with Chris Martin, who is the lead singer of Coldplay, for you uncool out of the loop people! :-) Well everytime Chris Martin would appear on the screen Ethan would light up and smile so big. He even laughed at him. I'm not sure if it was Chris Martin's beautiful blue eyes or his enticing accent or his music that made Ethan happy. However, I think the next time Coldplay comes to VB, Ethan will be tagging along with Tye and I to go see his new favorite pal Chris Martin.

Ethan & Rice Cereal

My little baby finally ate something other than my milk this week! He has been waking up at night, which is unlike him, so I thought he might need a little bit of cereal on his tummy at night. I got it all mixed up ready to feed him and he LOVED it! Of course half of it ended up on his face or bib, but he enjoyed eating it! He also rolled over for the first time this week! He is just growing so quickly. Ethan is 5 months old. So no funny story this time, just bragging about my little one.

A Frog?!?

Last week I had to make a couple of doctor's appointments. Ethan had just gone down for his nap and I needed to pump (I am breast-feeding...fyi) so I thought I would double task. Let me back up a little bit and fill you in on my breast pump. It makes a loud noise every time it pumps! It kind of sounds like someone is winding something up and like an animal is dying! haha Anyways, I started pumping and them proceeded to call my doctor. The receptionist was helping me find a date to come in for a check-up and I guess she heard my pump in the background. She proceeded to ask me what in the world that noise was? I hesitated for a second not knowing exactly what to tell her. Then I decided I will tell her the TRUTH! I said " Well if you must know it's my breast pump!" The woman became so embarrassed she could hardly form a sentence and when she did she said "I thought it was a FROG." She went on to ask me not to tell the doctor about her question and apologized a hundred times. I thought it was pretty funny that she ended up being the one so embarrassed! I guess it does sound like a frog, but why would I have a frog chilling by the phone?