Friday, July 24, 2009

Ethan's Big Break

I'm sure everyone has read the older post about Ethan and the Miracle Blanket. Well Miracle Blanket has used part of his video for their ad. Too funny! My little man is going Hollywood!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Insert Foot in Mouth

Ethan and I went on our weekly grocery shopping trip yesterday. Ethan loves looking at all the colors and shapes at the grocery store so we always have a great time there. We were wrapping up our trip and getting checked out so I was paying attention to the cashier. When I turned back around to look at Ethan he almost had his whole foot in his mouth! He was chopping down on his toes and having the time of his life. He had the cashier, bagger, customer behind me, the cashier in the next aisle and me laughing out loud! It was the first time he was able to get his toes let alone his whole foot in his mouth. If he is anything like his Mommy that won't be the last time he is going to need to insert his foot in his mouth! :-)

The Itsy Bitsy Spider cures ALL

Tye and I took Ethan for his 4 month check-up this week. When it came time for his two shots we had to hold his arms and try to distract him. He was fine until the second shot and he started to wail. He was crying so hard he couldn't even get a cry out. Poor little guy! So...I picked him up and started singing the Itsy Bitsy Spider and he went from hysterically crying to LAUGHING! I swear he loves that song! Tye and I were coming out of the doctor's office laughing so hard, I'm sure everyone thought we were great parents. ha. Ethan will stop crying anytime I start singing that song. I sing to him in the car when he is mad that he is in the car seat, I sing it to him when he is tired and needs a nap and I sing it when he's happy and wants to play. I need to record it so my voice doesn't give out.