Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Frog?!?

Last week I had to make a couple of doctor's appointments. Ethan had just gone down for his nap and I needed to pump (I am breast-feeding...fyi) so I thought I would double task. Let me back up a little bit and fill you in on my breast pump. It makes a loud noise every time it pumps! It kind of sounds like someone is winding something up and like an animal is dying! haha Anyways, I started pumping and them proceeded to call my doctor. The receptionist was helping me find a date to come in for a check-up and I guess she heard my pump in the background. She proceeded to ask me what in the world that noise was? I hesitated for a second not knowing exactly what to tell her. Then I decided I will tell her the TRUTH! I said " Well if you must know it's my breast pump!" The woman became so embarrassed she could hardly form a sentence and when she did she said "I thought it was a FROG." She went on to ask me not to tell the doctor about her question and apologized a hundred times. I thought it was pretty funny that she ended up being the one so embarrassed! I guess it does sound like a frog, but why would I have a frog chilling by the phone?

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